Days 164,165 & 166: Pumpkin Days, Questions & Gears

Just color me orange and give me a spaghetti squash drip.  Its Fall and I’m marginally sucked into the squash lifestyle. Thursday night I made Pumpkinsnaps.  Basically its the Maple Ginger Snap cookie from last week, but with a 1/2 cup of pumpkin puree instead of a 1/3 cup maple syrup all based on this…

Days 162 & 163: When You Receive a Compliment

I received a random compliment from my yoga instructor on Monday night after class.  Joel and I had gotten home and I was making a chicken soup dinner when I got some texts” “I looked at you today and thought, Patrick is no longer fat.” “Good job :)” Haha, talk about warm fuzzies! When your…

Days 159, 160 & 161: Birthdays and Fabric Burns

This weekend we celebrated two birthdays.  One was my nephew’s birthday.  He turned the big 5. I know, he’s almost driving…  its insane.  His party as with most 5 year old’s, was filled with screaming chitlen children of varying ages.  Its… Well, nauseating really. I mean, I’m glad they’re having a great time, but 2.5 hours…

Days 157 & 158: When The Company Meets

Oof.  So one of the nicer things about my job prior to going full time was the way that I was able to ease into the morning each day.  Emails would come in over night, but there was never really a call to action prior to 10 am that I had to pounce upon.  Well,…

Days 150 & 151: Working Out & Weighing In

Wednesday was a rough day. At some point midday, my sinuses firmed up between my eyebrows and congealed into what I can only describe as cement.  The pressure built and built in between my eyes and I just- Ow.  So what did I do? In spite of my head throbbing and the couch beckoning to…

Days 145 – 149: Finishing Some Things

I’ve mentioned before that I’m a bit of a nerd. This weekend was spent 1 part hanging out to about 7 parts hacking, modifying and reassembling computers… and an Apron. But I’m getting a bit ahead of myself. Let’s start at the beginning. Friday. What turned out to be my last day as a contractor at…

Days 143 & 144: When You’re Addicted to Pumpkin

Hi. My name is Patrick and I’m Pumpkin-holic. Since about 2004… that’s the earliest I can remember back with any absolute certainty.  I’ve loved pumpkin.  Before that, there were definitely signs, such as my favorite color in high school being orange, my ambition for carving the best the most intricate jack o’lantern (at least, within…

Day 141: 50 One Legged Push-ups

Short one today. Well, I made it to the gym last night. It felt great. Rope Climbs, Front and back plaunches… And one legged push-ups.  50 of ’em. Sadly I fear it might be my only trip to yoga till Saturday.  The local temperature is going to hit 90-95 degrees tomorrow and that means the…

Days 138, 139 & 140: When One Parties

A few years ago I worked at a small company locally that resulted in my achieving an ulcer.  Oh yes. As a result of this ulcer I gave up on caffeine, most spicy foods, and other foods that otherwise ticked my stomach off.  This means no coffee.  Well, fast forward to today and I’m a…

Day 137: Back on the Scale

This morning I weighed in at 247.7 lbs with a BMI of 29.2 (scoff I say). My lowest weight to date. For the past few weeks our scale has been out of commission, but that’s not the only reason there hasn’t been weigh-ins on the blog. To put it simply, I’ve been frustrated with my…

Days 131 – 135: In Which There is Gardening and a BBQ

This past weekend was a hoot, but I’m beat. Friday was the start of a new stint, that I mentioned before.  In which I add some fruit to my day. In this case, a banana.  Oh my…  Oh me, oh my…  It made a world of difference.  I finished the day not hungry and without a…

Day 128, 129 & 130: Gut Reactions

This post has the unique opportunity to be worked on before, in between  and I believe I will finish this up after my interviews are done.  Funny that. When it comes to most things in life, i’ve found that I am most happy with the resulting outcome when I trust my gut.  Say 90% of…